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Kito Yuzu

Yuzu from The Golden Village
in the mountains of Tokushima, Shikoku, to the world!

The Kito Area, Naka-cho in Tokushima (formerly known as Kito Village) boasts the second highest mountain in western Japan,
Mt. Tsurugi, and the clear Naka River.
The village is surrounded by nature, located at the southern foot of Mt. Tsurugi,.
This village is also known as the Tibet of Shikoku. This is where the Yuzu are produced.


The Golden Village of Yuzu

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The Golden Village of Yuzu

About the Kito Area

Tokushima is home to Mt. Tsurugi, the second highest mountain in western Japan featuring the clear stream of the Naka river. This is known as the “Tibet” of Shikoku, overflowing in abundance with beautiful nature. This is where the Kito Yuzu is said to have originated from.

Features of Kito Yuzu

The Tokushima Kito Yuzu won the Asahi Agricultural Award as the best Yuzu in Japan. (1977) Most of the Yuzu trees planted in Japan are Kito Yuzu.

Our Vision

In autumn, the village is filled with the golden color of Kito Yuzu. There you can see a sky full of stars.This is the beautiful unexplored scenery known as the Tibet of Shikoku is our village. We would like to share this beauty happiness with the people of the world.

Business Overview

Kito Yuzu Business
